Baltimore Cruise Guide
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Carnival Cruises from Baltimore
Royal Caribbean Cruises from Baltimore

Baltimore Cruise Guide > Cruises

Cruises from Baltimore

Welcome to our complete schedule of cruises from Baltimore, Maryland. There are cruises leaving year-round. See what's available in 2025 or 2026.

Go straight to cruises out of Baltimore in January 2025, February 2025, March 2025, April 2025, May 2025, June 2025, July 2025, August 2025, September 2025, October 2025, November 2025, December 2025, January 2026, February 2026, March 2026, April 2026, May 2026, June 2026, July 2026, August 2026, September 2026, October 2026, November 2026, December 2026.


January 2025

January 5: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
January 12: 14-day Panama Canal & Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises
January 16: 8-night Southeast & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
January 24: 8-night Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean

February 2025

February 1: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
February 2: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
February 9: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
February 13: 8-night Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
February 16: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
February 21: 8-night Southeast & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
February 23: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
Valentine's Day cruises from Baltimore

March 2025

March 1: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
March 2: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
March 9: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
March 13: 8-night Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
March 16: 7-day Bahamas & Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises
March 21: 8-night Southeast & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
March 23: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
March 29: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
March 30: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

April 2025

April 6: 7-day Bahamas & Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises
April 10: 8-night Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
April 13: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
April 18: 8-night Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
April 20: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
April 26: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
April 27: 7-day Bahamas & Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises

May 2025

May 3: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
May 4: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 8: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
May 10: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
May 11: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 17: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
May 17: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
May 18: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 22: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
May 25: 14-day Greenland & Canada cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 31: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
Mother's Day cruises from Baltimore
Memorial Day cruises from Baltimore

June 2025

June 2: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
June 5: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 8: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
June 14: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 15: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
June 19: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 22: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
June 28: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 29: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

July 2025

July 3: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 6: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
July 12: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 13: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
July 17: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 20: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
July 26: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 27: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
July 31: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean

August 2025

August 3: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
August 9: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 10: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
August 14: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 17: 14-day Greenland & Canada cruise on Carnival Cruises
August 23: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 28: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 31: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

September 2025

September 6: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 7: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
September 11: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 14: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
September 20: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 21: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
September 25: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 28: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

October 2025

October 4: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
October 5: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 6: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
October 9: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
October 12: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 13: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
October 18: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
October 19: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 20: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
October 23: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
October 26: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 27: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
October 31: 14-night East Coast Passage cruise on American Cruises

November 2025

November 1: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
November 1: 14-night East Coast Passage cruise on American Cruises
November 2: 14-day Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises
November 7: 14-night East Coast Passage cruise on American Cruises
November 13: 8-night Southeast & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
November 16: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
November 23: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
November 29: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
November 30: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
Thanksgiving cruises from Baltimore

December 2025

December 7: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
December 11: 8-night Southeast & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
December 14: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
December 19: 8-night Southeast & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
December 21: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
December 27: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
December 28: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
Christmas cruises from Baltimore
New Year cruises from Baltimore


January 2026

January 4: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
January 8: 8-night Bahamas & Southeast cruise on Royal Caribbean
January 11: 14-day Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises
January 16: 8-night Bahamas & Southeast cruise on Royal Caribbean
January 24: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
January 25: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

February 2026

February 1: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
February 5: 8-night Bahamas & Southeast cruise on Royal Caribbean
February 8: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
February 13: 8-night Bahamas & Southeast cruise on Royal Caribbean
February 15: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
February 21: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
February 22: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

March 2026

March 1: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
March 5: 8-night Bahamas & Southeast cruise on Royal Caribbean
March 8: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
March 13: 8-night Bahamas & Southeast cruise on Royal Caribbean
March 21: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean

April 2026

April 2: 8-night Bahamas & Florida cruise on Royal Caribbean
April 9: 10-day Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises
April 10: 8-night Bahamas & Southeast cruise on Royal Caribbean
April 11: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
April 18: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
April 18: 12-night Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean
April 19: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
April 25: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
April 26: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
April 30: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean

May 2026

May 2: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
May 3: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 9: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
May 10: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 14: 9-night Bahamas & Florida cruise on Royal Caribbean
May 16: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
May 17: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 23: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
May 24: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
May 28: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
May 30: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
May 31: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

June 2026

June 1: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
June 6: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
June 6: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 7: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
June 11: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 13: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
June 14: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
June 20: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 21: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
June 25: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
June 27: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
June 28: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

July 2026

July 4: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 5: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
July 9: 9-night Bahamas & Florida cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 11: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
July 12: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
July 18: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 19: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
July 23: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
July 25: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
July 26: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

August 2026

August 1: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
August 1: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 2: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
August 6: 9-night Bermuda & Bahamas cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 8: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
August 9: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
August 15: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 16: 14-day Greenland & Canada cruise on Carnival Cruises
August 20: 7-night Bahamas & Florida cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 22: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
August 27: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
August 30: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

September 2026

September 5: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
September 5: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 6: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
September 10: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 12: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
September 13: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
September 19: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
September 19: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 20: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
September 24: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
September 27: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

October 2026

October 3: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
October 3: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
October 4: 7-day Bermuda cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 8: 9-night Canada & New England cruise on Royal Caribbean
October 10: 7-night Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
October 11: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 17: 7-night Potomac River & Chesapeake Bay cruise on American Cruises
October 17: 5-night Bermuda cruise on Royal Caribbean
October 18: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 25: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
October 27: 14-night East Coast cruise on American Cruises

November 2026

November 1: 14-day Caribbean cruise on Carnival Cruises
November 4: 14-night East Coast cruise on American Cruises
November 5: 14-night East Coast cruise on American Cruises
November 15: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
November 22: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
November 29: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

December 2026

December 6: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
December 13: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
December 20: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises
December 27: 7-day Bahamas cruise on Carnival Cruises

Baltimore to Bermuda Cruises
Baltimore to Bahamas Cruises
Cruise Port
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